Bizco Business Consulting

Bizco Business Consulting

Bizco Business Consulting E-mail Disclaimer

The full text of the disclaimers and warnings below are legally included in all electronic messages under the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 25 of 2002, and are binding on the recipient and any other person or entity that sees the email.

The following are the terms and conditions that apply to any e-mail message or attachment sent to you by Bizco Business Consulting (Pty) Ltd (Bizco Business Consulting) or its affiliates and subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “the Communication” or “the Message”).

1. Any electronic mail and attachments transmitted with it that you receive from Bizco Business Consulting employees are subject to this e-mail disclaimer.

2. The e-mail and any attachments transmitted with it may contain information that is confidential and intended solely for the use of the intended recipient or institution of the e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient of the e-mail (or such authorised representative):
2.1 Please notify the intended recipient of the e-mail immediately by e-mail, fax or telephone and delete the e-mail from your system.
2.2 In addition, you may not print, save, forward or copy this message or any part of it or disclose or cause to be disclosed any information from this message to any other person. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

3. The information contained in a message is confidential and may also be protected by law. It is intended solely for the use of the intended recipient of the message or the persons authorised to receive the message.

4. Bizco Business Consulting has taken precautions to ensure that the e-mail does not contain viruses and cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of the e-mail as a result of viruses or faulty or malicious software code contained in the message or damage to hardware or software or corruption of data.

5. Bizco Business Consulting shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of information contained in a message or for any delay in receiving the message.

6. The employees of Bizco Business Consulting are prohibited from sending unsolicited messages (spam).

7. Bizco Business Consulting provides the electronic mail and Internet system to assist employees in the performance of their duties. Employees should only use it for official company business. Bizco Business Consulting recognises that employees may also use these facilities for personal purposes. However, they do so on the understanding that they are not allowed to do so:

7.1 Commit unlawful acts that could harm the interests of the company.

7.1 Send messages containing derogatory or inflammatory remarks about a person’s race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical characteristics or sexual preference.

7.1 Transmit, retrieve or store messages of a discriminatory or harassing nature or obscene or harmful to minors material.

8. Bizco Business Consulting accepts no responsibility for actions by employees that fall outside the normal scope of their authority and normal professional duties. Messages that contain offensive, derogatory, defamatory or otherwise illegal or inappropriate statements, content or materials are not within the normal scope of the sender’s authority or employment responsibilities.

9. Bizco Business Consulting reserves the right to monitor the content of e-mails sent and received by employees.

10. Bizco Business Consulting is only considered the recipient if:
10.1 Received an e-mail when the recipient has acknowledged receipt or when the mail server log files indicate receipt of the e-mail.
10.2 An e-mail message has been sent as soon as the log files of the mail server confirm that the e-mail has been sent.

11. Bizco Business Consulting processes personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The content of this message and any attachments to it are subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy. Our privacy policy can be found here.

12. This e-mail disclaimer will at all times take precedence over any other e-mail disclaimer received by any person using Bizco Business Consulting’s communication facilities.

13. Our corporate information and the names of our officers, including directors (if shown), can be viewed in the Corporate Information section of the Bizco Business Consulting website:

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